Visiting stone pine plantations, 30th of September

In order to implement the irrigation and fertilization trials, on the 30th of September, 3 sites with stone pine plantations were visited. The stands have different age and characteristics.

In Esteveira (Alcochete) the pine trees are 16 years old, planted with a 8 m x 10 m spacing. After the thinning (which was carried out this year, in half of the total area) the spacing is 16 m x 10 m.  The stand has been already producing cones.

In Herdade da Abegoaria (Vendas Novas) the pine trees are 3 years old, grafted and non grafted. The plantation was made with a spacing of 3.5 m x 7 m. The whole area (10 ha) is drip irrigated with fertilizer (spring and autumn).

The 5 years old pines in Herdade da Comporta were planted with a 8 m x 8 m spacing and present great variability in  growth. About ten percent of the area was grafted. The stand is drip irrigated with fertilizar from June to September.

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